Giving makes you happier than taking
Review of the clothing collection 2024

Many thanks to all donors.
Thanks to the generous donors from near and far, we were once again able to send a full truck to Avrig. Viorica and Teodor Truta, who were here once again this year and gave an impressive testimony of their work in Romania during the church service on April 14 (listen to it here), were very touched when they experienced all the generosity and appreciation of their work here.
The truck from the aid organization "Light in the East", which has been handling customs clearance and transport for us for several years, has already returned from Romania. Everything has been unloaded and stowed away so that Trutas can continue with their work.
Many thanks also for the generous donations towards the transportation costs.
St. Paul says: "I have shown you by my whole way of life that we must not shy away from work and toil, for then we can help those in need, as is our task. Always remember the words that the Lord Jesus himself said: There is a greater blessing in giving than in receiving." Acts 20:35