Action Christmas parcel 2024

It's time for christmas presents again. Do you also participate?

Gaby Beier October 2024

Every year, several thousand individuals and families as well as hundreds of churches, schools, associations and companies participate in the Christmas parcel drive. Needy children and adults in Eastern Europe, last year there were 117'100, receiving a Christmas parcel from Switzerland.

The FEG Höfe is again providing cardboard boxes this year. The collection times for the boxes can be found on the right or below.

Every year, tens of thousands of people from Switzerland give presents to needy people in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. In this way, the campaign sends a strong signal of solidarity with people in need.

What do the parcels bring to the recipients?

Päckli are given to people in great poverty or in very difficult life situations: large families, single parents, impoverished senior citizens, children in schools or homes, people with health problems or disabilities. For you, a Christmas parcel is a great gift that will be remembered for a long time. It touches the recipients deeply that someone thinks of them and has put together a parcel with valuable and useful items for them. Many families can hardly afford hygiene products, notebooks or toys for their children, because the money is only enough for the bare necessities.

As a rule, the Christmas packages are distributed as part of aid projects that run throughout the year. This means that contact with the people who receive the gifts continues beyond Christmas.

Where are the packages distributed and how do they get there?

The target countries are Albania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Belarus and Ukraine. The Christmas parcels are loaded into trucks at regional transport bases throughout Switzerland and driven to the partners in Eastern Europe. The distribution is organized by the local partners on site. They speak the language, know the culture and also visit the needy people afterwards.

Why is the Päckliaktion important to us?

For us as Christians, the significance of the Weinachtpäckli goes far beyond mere humanitarianism. At the core of our faith is the message of charity that Jesus exemplified to us. By participating in practical emergency aid, we are not only fulfilling a social commandment, but also a theological one: we are serving our fellow human beings, just as Christ instructed us to do. In the cold and hardship of the winter months, people often have a special need for comfort, warmth and support. With a Christmas parcel, we can pass on something of God's love without words.

Standard packets for children and adults

You will find details of the contents at the bottom of the flyer for the campaign. Packages for adults contain mainly food and hygiene items, those for children school supplies, hygiene items, toys and sweets. Please follow the list exactly! Only in this way can the parcels be imported into their destination countries and distributed fairly. To make loading and transport easier, boxes of the following sizes should be used: Adults: approx. 38x25x20 cm and children: approx. 35x25x13 cm. Boxes for the parcels can be collected from the FEG Höfe (as long as stocks last). The collection times will be continuously updated.

Thanks for your packet

Your Christmas parcel triggers great joy. It is a sign of sympathy and appreciation. You can hand in your pre-packed parcel on the following dates at the FEG Höfe, Konradshalde 4 in WilenMittwoch, 15.11.2023

Wednesday, November 13th from 14.00 - 18.00

Monday, November 18th from 14.00 - 18.00

Wednesday, November 20th always from 14.00 – 19.30

The packing list and all other info, can be found below or for questions write to email hidden; JavaScript is required. Flyers are also available in the stores.

Videos of last year's Christmas parcel distribution can be found at or at www.weihnachtspä

Gaby Beier

FEG Höfe